Nguyen Thi Thang


In the past few years, there has been rising trend among higher institutions of applying instructional games which are gaining increasing acceptance in the classroom. However, the use of these tools is often limited due to lack of time, insufficient experience, or doubts regarding the scholarly merits of such activities. Kahoot! is a popular eLearning tool that can easily be used to add vitality, student engagement, and meta-cognitive supports to higher education classrooms with limited instructor or student training required. The present study incorporates Kahoot- a descendant of “Personal Response Systems” (PRSs) - in a case study with freshmen in Electric Power University. The main goal of this empirical study is to find out perceived effect of students on how Kahoot would possibly enhance their learning experience as well as their engagement and collaboration in class. The research reveals that students are generally positive about its use and prefer courses that use the technology over those that do not.


Kahoot! E-Learning, game-based learning, student engagement, student collaboration, learning experience

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